The challenge for schools
- The current context of pupil mental health looks bleak at a time when over-stretched schools are increasingly expected to provide front-line support.
- The rates of emotional disorders are: One in ten for primary school children, one in seven for secondary school tweens and teenagers, and one in six for sixth form and college teenagers.

What is Yoga and Mindfulness?
- Combined with breath awareness, relaxation techniques, and postures, Yoga helps to relieve stress, improve strength, flexibility, and muscle tone.
- The contemplative practice of Mindfulness helps to focus and quieten the mind. This improves emotional self-regulation and attention.
What are the benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness for pupils?
- They have a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental wellbeing of pupils thus improving educational outcomes.
- They are cost effective well-being interventions that have a quick impact especially when part of the school curriculum or as an extra-curricular activity.
- Yoga releases emotional and physical tension thus increasing stamina and confidence as pupils’ bodies and minds develop, change, and grow.
- They are of benefit to students with additional needs whether these are behavioural, emotional, and/or social.